
Kindles' story


Kindles was born in the small farming village of Nixville, as named by the few farmers that decided to reside there. Born with stark white hair, very pale skin, and extreamly vibrate blue eyes. He was raised alone by his mother, who taught him all he knows about survile, firebuilding, & robe use. He was also able to learn knife use and hunting from the closest neigbors son, Adein. Because of all this use of physical excersize Kindles developed extream body mass.

For the most part Kindles and Adein were best of friends, they paled around together mostly all the time. Adein's father knew Kindles seemingly as well as Kindles' mother knew him, as Kindles' mother did for Adien. Kindles and Adein would spent a lot of time tring to trap small game, roping and lassoing still models, and having mock knife fights. Occassionally they would camp near their house when Kindles whould use his damn good fire building. Unfortunatly life wasnt as nice as first apeared.

Unknown to any one Kindles was close to Kindles held a dark secret inside him. Kindles was a mutant. Not only was he practactly an albino Kindles was able to statacly charge electricity about him in a concentrated fasion. So well to the point where once it was releaced into something he could cause it to combust instantly in electric current. This was Kindles secret, until one terrible day when he releaced the energy into a very bad and vunerable target. Kindle electricuted his mother.

From this day forth Kindles know his childhood secret would be known by the  village. It was in fact it was Adein's father that discovered Kindles still sobbing over his mothers body. When Kindles was asked what happeded after he examined the burn marks all over her body, all Kindles could mutter was "It shot from my hands... what have I done, what curse has been brought to me." "Your one of them mutants that we've heard about... You best just get." Was the last words he heard from the man he respected as his father. In that moment Kindles knew his life would never be the same. 

Quickly Kindles gathered a few things personal to him from the house while Adein and his father spoke in hush tones in the other room of the house above the body of his poor mother. Among his items Kindles grabed a few rusted knife, a bic lighter that still could kick a flame  (his mother took real pride in the fact they owned this rare fire stick), and a rubics cube (which he and Adien just called the puzzle box). As soon as the bag was set and with out a word to his guests or a glance at the body,  he was out the door and running into the near by forest where he would plan for his new life.

After traveling for several days Kindles found an abandon grain silo that was in the midst of old farm land. This became his new home for several months he had to use the hunting skill he had learned in his old town to survive. Spending most of his time setting traps for small mamals, and searching for edible berrys and other vegitation. Kindles lived a life of solitude that gave him stong sence of self and survivle.  Unfortunatly for Kindles a life of solitude was not safe in the rough wastlands. 

One day while he was out making his rounds on the traps he had set hoping he had cought his next meal, he was cought unaware by a group of slave traders.  While they easyly cought him they planed to make a fair profit off him in the slave market, because of Kindles natural mass that had been gained from all of his hard labors. Kindles was very well built and very strong the slavers really thought they had a good captive in their midst because he was to afraid to fight back.  The slavers bound his arms and legs and strung him up on a tall pole to better examine him.  While he was on the pole Kindles regained his nerve, gathered the static from the air and shocked his shakles to freedom. 

Now that Kindles was rereminded that times were hard for everyone, he begain to travel all over the land.  To afraid of being rejected by his mutation to settle in a town and worried that he may be cought again by slavers or eaten by wildlife, Kindles would never stay in one place for to long. While he was on his long and tedious journey, Kindles heard rumors that the slavers had been over thrown and that the mighty heros were creating a new strong hold for people who had no place. They were also recruting well able and minded people to help rebuild, fortify, and protect the inhabitants.  Kindles finally felt like their might be a place in this messed up world for him. 

This new communtity was located in what used to be the city of Redding and they had now named it Mcguillyvile.